Collision with car

As the result of a collision between a motor fire engine belonging to the Aldershot Camp Fire Brigade and a motor car belonging to Mr. Wallbank, of the Station Hotel, Fleet, during a billeting scheme at Fleet last summer, the Crown sued Mr. Wallbank in the Aldershot County Court for £52 damages to the engine, and gained the verdict. Mr. St. Gerrans, on behalf of the defendant, obtained as stay of execution, and said that but for the Crown being immune Mr. Wallbank could long ago have taken action for damages to his car.

(Army and Navy Gazette, 18th October 1913)

Death of Emma (Foster) Wallbank

Context Note: This refers to William Wallbank (1865-1942) and his brother Frederick Wallbank (1869-1932) thanking people after the death of their mother, Emma (Foster) Wallbank on 19th September.

MR. W. and F. WALLBANK wish to Thank all friends and neighbours of Victoria Road, Aston, for their kind sympathy and floral tributes in their sad bereavement.

(Birmingham Daily Mail, 28th September 1916)