Dissolution of partnership, April 1881

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Trade of a Saddlers’ Ironmonger, hitherto carried on by EDWARD LOWE [Edward Lowe (1821-1915)] at the Walsall Works, Tower Road, Aston, Birmingham, will be Discontinued by him on and from the 31st March, 1881, an arrangement having been made for such trade to be Carried on after that date by ISAAC LOWE and his SON on their own account. All Debts due and owing to and by the said Edward Lowe in connection with the said trade will be received and paid by him, and all Persons having any Claim against him in connection therewith are requested to forward Particulars thereof to us for examination. – Dated this 30th day of March, 1881.

W. & F. W. LOWE, 12, Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, Solicitors [his cousins William Lowe (1815-1892) and Sir Francis Lowe, 1st Bart.] for the said Edward Lowe.

(Birmingham Daily Post, 5th April 1881)

Death of William Lowe, 1892

DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM LOWE. – We regret to announce the death of Mr. William Lowe, the oldest practising solicitor in this city. He was born on the 3rd October, 1815, and educated at the old Hazlewood School, kept by the Hills, in the Hagley Road. He was admitted a solicitor in 1840, and has continued in active practice ever since. So lately as Wednesday in last week he attended at his offices as usual, when it is supposed that he contracted a chill. This developed into influenza, but he was not considered to be seriously ill until Monday morning, after which he rapidly sank and died early yesterday morning. Mr. Lowe was widely known and much respected as a solicitor of great integrity, and his loss will be deplored by a large number of Birmingham people. He did not actively engage in any public work, but was connected with several philanthropic institutions, and took a very keen interest in all public questions. He was the father of Mr. F. W. Lowe [later Sir Francis Lowe, 1st Bart.], the Conservative candidate for the Harborough Division of Leicestershire.

(Birmingham Daily Post, 13th January 1892)