Breach of contract



At the Birmingham County Court, to-day, before his Honour Judge Amphlett, K.C., an action was brought by Mrs. Jessie King, widow, of Boscobel, Belwell Lane, Four Oaks, to recover £3 5s. for breach of contract from William Wallace, house furnisher, of Mere Green Road, Four Oaks.

Mr. Cripwell, who appeared for plaintiff, stated that in March last she consulted the defendant with a view of having blinds fixed in her house to conform with the Lighting Regulations. He undertook to do the work, and plaintiff paid him £2 10s. for fixing the blinds. When it became necessary to use the blindsd, however, she discovered that they were of no use for the purpose intended, the light throwing beams through the windows across the road. Plaintiff had obtained an estimate for the carrying out of the work for £3 5s., and was suing for that amount.

In answer to the defendant, plaintiff stated that he said the old rollers would do. If he had suggested new rollers for the blinds she should have fallen in with the suggestion.

Defendant said the lighting restrictions had not come into force in Sutton at the time he fixed the blinds.

Mr. Cripwell: Didn’t she rely upon you fixing green blinds so that the light should not come out? – Defendant: I suppose so.

His Honour held that there had been a clear breach of contract and assessed the damages at £3 5s.

(Birmingham Daily Mail, 12th December 1916)