His handkerchief stolen


Before Messrs. HILL, BAKER, and FISHER.


Sidney Clews, Gerrard Street; William Butler, Guildford Street; William Gordon, metal roller, Kensington Street; and Samuel Bell, Guildford Street, Aston, were charged with stealing a silk pocket handkerchief from the person of Walter Wallbank, residing in Albert Road, Aston, on the 7th inst. The prosecutor was walking along the Birchfield Road on Thursday, when Clews, who was in company with the other prisoners, snatched the handkerchief from his pocket and walked away. On being arrested by Police-constable G. W. King, Clews said it was only done for fun. Butler remarked that it was done for a lark; and Bell added that he intended to give prosecutor the handkerchief back next day. – Clews was fined 10s., including costs; Butler was sent to gaol for 14 days; Jordan and Bell were fined 5s. and costs each.

(Birmingham Mail, 12th May 1885)