Enlisting in the American army (2)



Sixteen years of life in the Dominion has made Mr. Maxwell Wheeler feel like a good New Zealander, and this morning he had the distinction of the first American-born New Zealander to be enlisted here in the American Army.

The proceedings were quite formal. He was attested by Captain E. L. Fowler, the officer and recruit both standing erect, and raising their right hands, as the oath was administered. The text read:-

“I, Maxwell Wheeler, a citizen of the United States, do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted as a soldier in the Army of the United States of America, for the period of the war plus six months under the conditions prescribed by law, unless sooner discharged by proper authority; and do also agree to accept from the United States such bounty, pay, rations, and clothing as are or may be established by law. And I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whatsoever; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles of war.”

The ceremony was completed by the recruit signing his name to the written oath of enlistment.

Mr. Wheeler was born at Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1923, and his parents, after going to England, came to New Zealand, and lived at Aranui, near Christchurch. He was then three years of age. He was educated at the Sumner District High School, where in sport he was prominent in cricket, football and swimming. On leaving school he went to work in a store, and was working in Wellington before he came to Auckland to join the American Army.

Last month Mr. Wheeler underwent a medical examination, and authority was issued to him to enlist. Although he is the first to volunteer under these circumstances, another man was drafted, and a present member of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, who was born in the United States, is concluding arrangements to enlist.

(Auckland Star, New Zealand, 16th March 1943)

Enlisting in the American army

First N.Z. Recruit In American Army

The first American-born New Zealander to enlist in the United States Army in New Zealand is Mr Maxwell Wheeler, of Sumner, Christchurch, who will be attested in Auckland today. Mr Wheeler, who was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1923, has lived in New Zealand since he was three years old.

Mr Wheeler underwent a medical examination last month and authority has since been issued for him to enlist. He will join the United States Army Corps and will be unassigned. He will be attested by Captain E. L. Fowler.

Although Mr Wheeler is the first volunteer under these circumstances, another man was drafted, and a present member of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, who was born in the United States, is concluding arrangements to enlist.

(Northern Advocate, New Zealand, 16th March 1943)