Review of “The Love that Women Desire” at Ashton-under-Lyne, 1907

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. – THEATRE ROYAL. – Sole Owner and Manager, Mr. Chas. Revill; Acting-Manager, Mr. Wm. Revill. – Mr. G. Carlton Wallace’s play, The Love that Women Desire, is again being presented here. Very effectiev impersonation is given to the part of Squire Abingdon by Mr. J. O. Stuart; Mr. Oliver Rogers is well placed as Richard Abingdon, the son of the Squire; Mr. John Davidson gves most able delineation of the traits of character of Philip Carnaby, a Yeoman farmer; Mr. S. P. Clewlow is admirable as Dr. Brandeth; and Mr. Hugh Wallace depicts the character of the Christian minister, Rev. A. Garthorne, with fine feeling. Mr. Percy Braithwaite as Frank Hardy, the outcast, scores for effective delineation of an arduous part, and the numerous minor characters are portrayed with effect by Messrs. Jno. Hignett, B. Morris, J. W. Wilkinson, Oliver Turnbull, Heath, Butler, Bale, and Stephen Willis. The female parts find excellent representatives in Miss Lalla Stanhope as Sybil, Miss Aimee Grattan-Clyndes as Madge, Miss Naomi Wallace [presumably G. Carlton Wallace’s sister, Louisa Naomi Wallace] as the Indian maiden, and Misses Winifred Barton and Violet Haye.

(The Era, 5th October 1907)