Guilty of assaulting David Joyce

ANOTHER SPONDON ASSAULT CASE. – Joseph Bosworth [Joseph Bosworth (1853-1933)] was summoned by David Joyce for assaulting him, at Spondon, on the 4th inst. – Complainant said that they both worked together at the Midland Railway Works at Derby, and during the afternoon in question a dispute arose between them in the workshop. After his return home at Spondon, at night, Bosworth came to his home and challenged him out to fight, but he declined. Subsequently defendant followed him and struck him. This was the assault complained of. – Defendant denied striking the complainant, but admitted that he had threatened to hit him for pushing his (defendant’s) mother [Eliza (Holmes) Bosworth] down. Complainant had been making false accusations against his parents [Charles Bosworth (1831-1880) and Eliza (Holmes) Bosworth]. – The Bench characterised the case as a senseless row, and one which ought not to have been brought before them. They should order the defendant to enter into his own recognizances in the sum of £10 to keep the peace for 12 months.

(Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal, 15th September 1871)