Backing his horses both ways

Backing his horses both ways

SIR, – My professionaal [sic] adversary, John Bosworth, agent to Mr Tom Normanton, Tory M.P. for Cheadle and Wilmslow, attempts to defend Mr Normanto’s [sic] failure to vote in the vital House of Commons debate on the change in the rate support grant by making snide and unsubstantiated remarks about Mr Chris Green Liberal prospective candidate for Cheadle and Wilmslow.

Mr Bosworth suggests that, if Mr Green were to have been a Member of Parliament, present at the rates debate, then he would have “followed the traditional Liberal policy of backing his horses both ways or standing on his head on this as on many other issues”.

I would suggest that it is Mr Normanton who is backing his horses both ways by failing to vote on this vital issue. Surely, a Govornment [sic] measure which raises the rate support grant for one part of the Cheadle and Wilmslow constituency and reduces it for another part is either right or wrong and Mr Normanton should have indicated accordingly instead of trying to avoid the issue.

Yours etc.,


(Agent to Mr Chris Green).

Grimond House Liberal Club,

The Paddock,

Brookfield Road, Cheadle.

(Alderley & Wilmslow Advertiser, 1st August 1974)

MP under siege

MP under siege as protest turns nasty

by Janet Tansley

ANGRY demonstrators stormed the surgery of Tory MP Tony Favell on Saturday after forcing their way into the Town Hall.

More than 20 Viraj Mendis supporters stampeded town hall corridors before hammering on the door where Mr. Favell was holding his regular interviews.

His agent, John Bosworth, tried in vain to keep the supporters out with his foot pressed hard against the door, but the heaving horde pushed through and barged into the room chanting.

The group had broken away from a gang of 50 campaign supporters protesting outside the town hall against remarks Mr. Favell had made about the Sri Lankan who has taken refuge in a Manchester church.

After alleged reports last month from his family claiming 31-year-old Mendis was in no danger if he returned home, the MP called for police to storm the Church of Ascension, Hulme, where he is seeking santuary [sic].

But his calls met with fierce opposition from Mendis supporters who are desperately trying to keep the political refugee in Britain.

John Bosworth, still shaking from the ordeal, said: “Mr. Favell had actually gone outside the town hall earlier to talk to hte demonstrators in a peaceful manner.

That was quite successful, he listened and promised to report back their remarks and returned to his surgery.”

He added: “I tried to keep the supporters out by pressing my foot against the door, but the carpet gave way and they pushed past and started shouting at Mr. Favell.

“The client he was with ran out in fright but Tony managed to calm the group down. They didn’t attack either of us but it was pandemonium and for a time, a horrendous experience.”

Mr. Bosworth claimed protestors had earlier disturbed a member of town hall staff, shouting and jeering as he raised the Union Jack.

He said: “I can’t understand why they did it after Mr. Favell had made the effort to go out and talk to them. They relaly did go a bit too far.”

The Viraj Mendis Defence Campaign Committee was unavailable for comment.

VIRAJ MENDIS supporters protest peacefully outside Stockport Town Hall on Saturday, before the demonstration turned sour.

(Stockport Express Advertiser, 11th February 1988)

Town’s three MBE

Town’s three MBE in birthday honours

DESERVING members of the Stockport community have been mentioned in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Three receive the MBE.

Tony Jones, chief executive of Stockport’s Family Health Service […]

Also receiving an MBE is Mrs Muriel Stewart, from Bramhall […]

The former agent to Stockport’s ex-MP Tony Favell, Mr John Bosworth, 66, has been awarded an MBE.

The retired Conservative Party organiser worked with some of the town’s top political names for more than 40 years until his retirement in 1989.

Mr Bosworth lives in Quens Road, Cheadle Hulme, with his wife, and he has three children and three grandchildren.

(Stockport Express, 17th June 1992)

Tom Normanton: Cheshire East


Conservative candidate for the Cheshire East Euro Constituency

will speak at

Bramhall High School, Seal Road, Bramhall

ON FRIDAY, 25th MAY at 8.00 p.m.

All welcome

Published by John Bosworth

Conservative Club, West Bank Road, Macclesfield

(Alderley & Wilmslow Advertiser, 24th May 1979)

Sad to leave

Sad to leave

CONSERVATIVE agent John Bosworth is leaving his post in Macclesfield and moving to Stockport. Mr. Bosworth, who is married with three children and two grandchildren, has worked for the Macclesfield Constituency Conservative Association for ten years. Before he moved to this area, he worked in Cheadle for 18 months where he now lives with his wife Barbara.

Born and bred in Birmingham, he is sad to leave Macclesfield, although looking forward to the challenge of a new post.

(Macclesfield Express, 15th November 1984)

Death of Nellie Ada Lawton (Wheeler) Bosworth



Beloved wife of the late Neville, and dearest mother of Marjorie, Neville and John, peacefully at a Nursing Home, on December 1, 1980, aged 95 years. Funeral service at Sutton Coldfield Crematorium, on Tuesday, December 9, at 2 p.m. Flowers suitable for hospital, please, to E. F. Edwards Ltd., 31, Gravelly Hill North, Erdington, before 12 noon.

(Birmingham Mail, 3rd December 1980)