His hay burnt

Context Note: May either relate to James Wallace (1804-1882) or his son, James Wallace (1841-1900).

ALLEGED MALICIOUS BURNING AT ENNISKILLEN. – On the 29th ult. three pikes of hay were destroyed by fire on the land of Cornagrade, belonging to Mr. James Wallace, of Eden Street, Enniskillen. They contained about ten tons, and were valued at £25. They had been put up near the workhouse boundary, and it appeared the children had access to the place from the hospital through the yard. The case was investigated at the Enniskillen petty sessions yesterday, when a boy named John Hodgins appeared on summons charging him with having unlawfully, wilfully, and maliciously set fire to the hay. The Bench thought it was a common place of resort for the boys, and that there should have beer, some one to prevent them getting out of their bounds. The Bench ordered the boy to return to the workhouse.

(Belfast News-Letter, 10th May 1881)