Assignment to trustees

Context Note: Joseph Green Hampshire (1783-1838) and Henry Sheppard were married at the time to sisters: Frances Ann (Couchman) (Timblick) Sheppard and Diana Ann (Couchman) Hampshire.


To TRUSTEES for the equal benefit of Creditors, pursuant to 6th GEO. IV. cap. 16, sec. 4.

Gazette – January 10, 1834.

SHEPPARD Henry, (7th Jan.) of Spa-road, Bermondsey, market gardener, and Henry Sheppard, jun. market gardener. Trustees, J. Myatt, of Deptford, market gardener – and J. Hampshire, of Bermondsey New-road, gent. Sol. Mr Rogers, of Manchester-buildings

(Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette, 18th January 1834)

His market gardening items sold off

To Market-gardeners, and Others. – By Mr. W. CRAFTER, by direction of the Trustees of Messrs. Henry Sheppard and Son, on the Premises, Blue Anchor-road, Bermondsey, on TUESDAY, Sept. 30, and following Day, at Eleven each day,

COMPRISING superior Draught Horses, in excellent condition, capital town-built six-inch wheel market waggons and carts, harness, barrows, cradles, upwards of 100 three-light cucumber frames, with glazed lights; 1,200 hand-lights, large quantity of manure, &c.; the growing crops include several acres of horse-radish, rhubarb, celery, sea-kail, collards, brocoli [sic], asparagus, &c. May be viewed to-morrow and Monday preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had on the Premises; and of the Auctioneer, No. 4, Stamford-street, Blackfriars-road. On the first day will be sold part of the crops, the frames, and lights; and on the econd the horses, waggons, carts, &c.

(Morning Advertiser, 26th September 1834)