Assaulting a police constable

Context Note: They were brothers. Mark was grandfather of Evelyn May (Thompson) Wallace.

PETERBOROUGH PETTY SESSIONS, June 5, before the Mayor (Dr. Paley) and the Rev. W. Hopkinson. – Mark Jas. Thompson, moulder, Peterborough, was charged with assaulting p.c. Everitt on Saturday night, and Geo. Thos. Thompson, labourer, was charged with attempting to rescue his brother from custody. Mr. Atter, for defendants, pleaded guilty. He said he could not justify their conduct in any way, but as they had been locked up since Saturday, and were sorry for what had occurred, he thought the justice of the case would be met by the costs being paid. The Town Clerk did not press the case, and they were fined 1s. and 12s. costs each.

(Stamford Mercury, 7th June 1878)