Estate of George Lingard 1866


ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of GEORGE LINGARD, late of Nursery Terrace, Hunter’s Lane, Aston, in the county of Warwick, and of Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, in the same county, Electro-plater and Silversmith, are requested to pay their respective Debts to Mr. Joseph William Lingard, of Bridge Street West, Birmingham aforesaid, Licensed Victualler, the Administrator of the said deceased; and all Persons to whom the said George Lingard stood indebted, are requested to send their Accounts to the said Joseph William Lingard, in order that the same may be examined, and if found correct discharged. – Dated the 11th day of April, 1867.

M. A. FITTER, 5, Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, Solicitor to the said Administrator.


(Birmingham Daily Gazette, 12th April 1867)

Dissolution of partnership, Lingard & Baker, 1867

NOTICE is hereby given, that the PARTNERSHIP heretofore subsisting between GEORGE LINGARD (now deceased) and JOHN BAKER the Younger, in the trade or business of Manufacturers of Electro-plated Wares, carried on at No. 52, Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, under the style or firm of “Lingard and Baker,” was determined by the death of the said George Lingard, on the Twenty-fifth day of December last; and the said Business will continue to be carried on as heretofore by the said John Baker the Younger, who will receive and pay all debts and sums of money respectively due to or owing by the said late Partnership. – As witness our hands, the 8th day of April, 1867.

J. W. LINGARD, Administrator of the Estate and Effects of the said George Lingard, deceased [his brother].


Witness to the signatures of both parties, THOS. COPE, Clerk to M. A. Fitter, Solicitor, Birmingham.


(Birmingham Daily Gazette, 12th April 1867)