Choir supper at Fladbury


CHOIR SUPPER. – Mr. and Mrs. G. Lingard, of the Brooklands, Fladbury, invited the senior members of the church choir to supper on Monday evening. There were present – Mr. G. Lingard, Mr. Wingrove (Birmingham), Mr. A. C. Campbell, Mr. W. Simpson, Messrs. W. and E. Gibbs, W. Knight, E. Warren, S. Woodward, J. Woodward, and G. Mallin. After the removal of the cloth, some capital songs, recitations, and readings followed. Mr. Wingrove said before leaving he should like to say a few words about the donor of the feast. He had known Mr. Lingard for a number of years, and he had found it was his great delight, as far as lay in his power, to promote the happiness of those around him, as they had proved that evening. That being the first time they had had the pleasure of meeting together since Mr. Lingard’s marriage with the lady of the village, he should ask them to join with him in drinking the health of Mr. and Mrs. Lingard. Mr. Lingard thanked them for their good wishes, and said he hoped to have the pleasure of seeing them there another year. The party then broke up, having spent a most enjoyable evening.

(Worcester Journal, 16th January 1892)