Thanks from the family, 1950

BOSWORTH. – The family of the late George Bosworth wish to thank friends and neighbours for kind expressions of sympathy in their sad loss, also the doctor for kind attention. – 34, Chapel-st., Spondon.

(Derby Daily Telegraph, 9th March 1950)

A dispute about wages

A DISPUTE ABOUT WAGES. – William Gamble, farm bailiff to Mr. Wood, of Borrowash, appeared in answer to an adjourned summons alleging that certain wages were due to a lad named George Bosworth. – The case had been adjourned in order that some arrangement might be come to, but this having failed the case was proceeded with. – Mr. Gamble stated that he first arranged to engage the lad for £8 per year and his board, but after some time an alteration was made. The question in dispute was what this alteration really was. Mr. Gamble said the lad’s wages were to be 9s. weekly, and his mother to board him. – Mrs. Bosworth alleged that the 9s. weekly were to be an equivalent for the lad’s board, and the £8 annually was to be continued. – The Bench ordered that the lad should be given half the £8, and made no order as to costs. – Mr. Briggs appeared for Mr. Gamble, and Mr. Sale represented Mr. Wood. The lad had been paid 18s. 6d. when the new arrangement was made, and the magistrates’ order for £4 was less this amount.

(Derby Daily Telegraph, 6th November 1880)