Will of George Carlton Wallace (1872-1958)

In the High Court of Justice

The District Probate Registry at Exeter

BE IT KNOWN that George Wallace otherwise George Carlton Wallace of 20 Belmont Road Torquay Devon formerly of 78 Mercers Road London N.19 died on the 4th day of July 1958 at 20 Belmont Road aforesaid

AND BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that at the date hereunder written the last Will and Testament (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) of the said deceased was proved and registered in the District Probate Registry of the High Court of Justice at Exeter and that Administration of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid Court to Evelyn Gwynfa Wallace of 20 Belmont Road aforesaid widow the relict of the deceased the sole Executrix named in the said Will

And it is hereby certified that an Inland Revenue affidavit has been delivered wherein it is shewn that the gross value of the said estate in Great Britain (exclusive of what the said deceased may have been possessed of or entitled to as a trustee and not beneficially) amounts to £361. 11. 5. and that the net value of the estate amounts to £316. 11. 5.

Dated the 31st day of July 1958

This is the last Will and Testament of me George Wallace (known as George Carlton Wallace) Author and Theatrical Manager of 78 Mercers Road, London N.19 made this Twenty-first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Fifty two.

I HEREBY revoke all Wills made by me at any time heretofore. I appoint my wife Evelyn Gwynfa Wallace to be my Executrix, and direct that all my Debts and Funeral Expenses shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.

I GIVE AND BEQUEATH unto my wife Evelyn Gwynfa Wallace (neé Lewns) the sum of two hundred pounds; unto my daughter Violet Wallace the sum of two hundred pounds; unto my wife Evelyn Gwynfa Wallace all my literary works and writings for her sole use and profit during her lifetime thereafter the said literary works and writings to be the sole property of my neice Margaret Chesterfield (neé Dolman); all the remainder of my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever I leave to my wife Evelyn Gwynfa Wallace.

I wish my body to be cremated and the ashes scattered on the crematorium gardens.

Should my wife Evelyn Gwynfa Wallace pre-decease me I direct that after my death all the aforesaid literary works shall become the sole property of my neice Margaret Chesterfield and all the remainder of my estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever shall be divided between my daughter Violet Wallace as to two-thirds of the said remainder, and my sister-in-law Gladys Theodora Lewns as to one-third of the said remainder. In this connection I appoint Frank Herbert Dolman and Louisa Naomi Dolman both of 19 St Matthews Road Torquay to act as my executors for which service they shall be paid jointly the sum of fifty pounds.

George Wallace (G. Carlton Wallace)

Signed by the said TESTATOR in the presence of us, present at the same time, who at his request, in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses.

Frank Herbert Dolman 19 St Matthews Rd Torquay

Louisa Naomi Dolman 19 St Matthews Rd Torquay.

(Exeter Probate Registry, probate 31st July 1958)

Adverts for “Spirits – Under Proof” and “Joan of the Sword”, 1920


G. Carlton Wallace and Louis Casson

Present an Entirely New FARCICAL COMEDY in Three Acts,



The Funniest Farce of the Moment. Based on the most absorbing topic of the day – SPIRITUALISM.

West-End Company. Elaborate New Production.

VACANT – MAY 10 (follow Lowestoft), MAY 17, JUNE 7 (follow Guildford).

Apply to LOUIS CASSON, 9, St. Martin’s Court, London, W.C.

Telegratus: “LUICASON, LONDON.”

‘Phone: REGENT 1758.

G. Carlton Wallace’s Company



Full Company of Experienced Artistes, including


in her Remarkable Performance as Dare-devil Princess Joan.

Full Plant of Pictorials. Beautiful New Scenery.


For Dates apply to G.C.W., 72, Milton Park, Highgate, N.6.; or H.W. ROWLAND, 52, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.1. Tel. Regent 1651.

(The Era, 14th April 1920)

Review of “The Amazing Marriage”, 1916



Mr. G. Carlton Wallace, a Birmingham man, is appearing in his own play, “The Amazing Marriage,” at the Alexandra Theatre, this week. Mr. Wallace has achieved considerable success as an author-actor, and the play now being acted in Birmingham appears to have met with popular favour in the same measure as his earlier works. The plot, which is cast on military lines, deals with a matrimonial tangle. Mr. Wallace himself fills the part of Captain Clive Esmond, and it could scarcely be in better hands. Miss Evelyn Carleton has scope for strong emotional acting as the heroine, Helen Pryor. Major Callow is well pourtrayed by Mr. Roy Fortescue, while many a laugh is raised by the plotting and wrangling of Jim Hopkins and Jenny Mudie, who find capable exponents in Mr. Frederick Scarth and Miss Gertie Henderson. Amusing too is the dialogue between Lieutenant Bunbury (Mr. R. Harrold) and Marjorie Berkeley (Miss Phyllis Evelyn), while the dry humour of the Scottish surgeon, Andrew Macalister, admirably presented by Mr. Rob Anderson, greatly tickled last night’s audiences. The clever acting of Miss Lydia Mannington, as the scheming and unsympathising mother, Lady Pryor, contributed to the success of the drama.

(Birmingham Mail, 5th December 1916)

Death of Evelyn Gwynfa (Lewns) Wallace



In loving remembrance of


(real name Evelyn Gwynfa Wallace nee Lewns)

Passed away peacefully aged 85 on October 29, 1976, after many difficulties bravely borne.

(Evelyn Carleton, former repertory and Shakespearean actress, widow of the late G. Carlton Wallace, playwright, actor, manager.)

Always in our thoughts and sadly missed by family and friends.

(The Stage, 11th November 1976)

Norwich, 1925


NORWICH – ROYAL. – Carlton Wallace presents “Simple Simon’s Baby.” Carlton Wallace and his leading lady, Evelyn Carleton, are well known to local audiences through their visits with their repertory company, and both were recipients of hearty applause on Monday. Graham Winsford as Simon Bullesworth plays with tenderness and humour. Evelyn Carleton is convincing as the unmarried but expectant mother, Carlton Wallace contenting himself with the small part of the coming child’s father. Good sketches of Lancashire factory life are given by Frank Letchfield, I. Letchfield, Betty Skeen, and Nell Bene.

(The Stage, 29th October 1925)

Repertory at Leicester

Repertory at Leicester.

Before the final fall of the curtain on Saturday evening last at the Theatre Royal, Leicester, where the Carlton Wallace Repertory Company have been staying for a short season, Miss Evelyn Carleton and members of the company were presented with some beautiful flowers and presents.

Mr. Wallace, in a few well-chosen words, thanked, on behalf of his company and himself, all the friends and admirers for the lovely gifts, also the staff for the way they had worked during his short stay at the Royal. He added that he hoped to be amongst them again on some future occasion.

(The Era, 25th May 1921)