Not guilty of receiving stolen goods


A youth named William Taylor, aged 20, pleaded guilty to a wholesale theft. He was indicted for breaking into the warehouse of Edward Preston and Sons, toolmakers, Chester-road, and stealing therefrom 202 spirit levels, 138 rules, two iron planes, 60 brass plumb bobs, and other articles. Ellen Page, aged 64, dressmaker, Aston Church-road, with whom Taylor lodged, indicted for receiving, pleaded not guilty. Mr. J. G. Hurst was for the prosecution; and Mr. Joy (instructed by Messrs. Tyler and Deighton) appeared for the female prisoner under the Poor Prisoners Defence Act.

After the robbery over 100 spirit levels were found under Mrs. Page’s bed, and the remainder of the articles n the room in which Taylor slept. The woman asserted that she knew nothing of the stolen property in her room.

The jury found the woman not guilty, and she was discharged.

Taylor, against whom there was a previous conviction for felony, was sentenced to six months’ hard labour, to be followed by one year’s police supervision.

The prosecutors, through counsel, desired to thank Inspector Davies, the police officer engaged in the case, for his promptitude in capturing the thief, he having by his action recovered property of the value of £40.

This concluded the business of the Sessions.

(Birmingham Daily Gazette, 5th May 1905)