Allowing card playing


Christopher Lift, of the Three Horse Shoes, South Lynn, was last week fined 20s. and 16s. 6d. costs, for allowing card playing in his house, where a man named Dawes, of Wretton, had the ill luck to lose five sovereigns.

(Lynn Advertiser, 31st January 1843)

Guilty of stealing meat

LYNN, Nov. 2.

At the General Quarter Session of the Peace for the County, held here by adjournment, on Tuesday, the 24th ult. before Sir W. B. Folkes and a bench of Magistrates, the following prisoners were put upon their trial, viz. –


John Doughty and Christopher Lift, charged with having stolen a quantity of meat, the property of George Garnham, of Downham. Doughty, acquitted – Lift, fourteen days’ imprisonment.

(Norfolk Chronicle, 4th November 1837)