Violent and disorderly

Context Note: Probably Ann (Leadley) Warrener whose husband died in 1828.


At the weekly meeting on Saturday last there were 25 guardians present, H. Willoughby, Esq. in the chair.


The workhouse master reported that Ann Warrener, a pauper belonging to Terrington, had escaped from the workhouse during the week, and that her conduct in the workhouse previous to her escape had been very violent and disorderly.

(Yorkshire Gazette, 16th February 1839)

Masterful and violent in the extreme

Context Note: Probably Ann (Leadley) Warrener whose husband died in 1828.


UNGRATEFUL CONDUCT OF A WORKHOUSE PAUPER. – Ann Warrener, a pauper in the workhouse of the Malton Union, belonging to Terrington, was had before the same magistrates, for her bad conduct and for abusing and ill-treating Mrs. Rutter, the worthy matron of the workhouse. She had been up before the magistrates on a former occasion for assaulting the matron, but was then forgiven on her promising amendment. Instead of this, her conduct had been very masterful and violent in the extreme, her habits for irregular, going out at nights, &c., and in fact she had been worse than ever. Under these [c]ircumstances she was brought up a second time, and the magistrates ordered her to be sent for three weeks to Northallerton House of Correction, there to learn obedience. It appears that when she came into the workhouse she was in a lost and filthy condition, that she had been well fed and clothed, and uniformly kindly treated by Mrs. Rutter, the matron, who in return had been used as above described, which makes her conduct the more base and ungrateful.

(York Herald, 3rd November 1838)

Insulting and abusing the Workhouse matron

Context Note: Probably Ann (Leadley) Warrener whose husband died in 1828.


MEETING OF THE POOR LAW GUARDIANS OF THE MALTON UNION. – On Saturday last, the weekly meeting of the Guardians composing the Malton Union, met as usual at the Town Hall, when there was a good attendance, Henry Willoughby, Esq., of Birdsall, the appointed chairman, presiding on the occasion.


A complaint was laid before the Board, against Ann Warrener, of Terrington, now in the Work-house, for insulting and otherwise abusing Mrs Rutter, the matron of the Work-house. The board ordered that she should be brought up before the magistrates on Saturday next, to answer and be adjudged for the same.

(York Herald, 4th August 1838)