Freesheet men in swindle

Freesheet men in swindle


Two employees of the Daily News freesheet between them swindled almost £1,200 from the Department of Health and Social Security, Birmingham magistrates heard.

Barrington Wheeler, (57), of Holly Dell, Kings Heath, admitted dishonestly claiming £553 by not declaring his job as area circulation organiser.

He was given a conditional discharge for two years and ordered to pay £500 compensation.


Philip MacDonald, (38), of Dunsink Grove, Witton, admitted dishonestly claiming £638 while employed in the same job.

He was remanded until February 27 for social inquiry reports.

Mr Peter Jordan, prosecuting for the DHSS, said Wheeler illegally claimed the money between January and June, 1985, and admitted his dishonesty when questioned.

Mr Brendan Fleming, defending, said Wheeler was desperate for money.

Mr Fleming said: “In a moment of weakness he thought that the extra money would have been extremely useful but he really ought to have known better than to have fiddled the DHSS.

Mr Jordan said MacDonald told the DHSS he illegally claimed the £638 because he had money problems.

(Birmingham Mail, 31st January 1986)

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