Organisers of concerts wanted



A large number of vocalists, instrumentalists, and other entertainers have generously offered to give their services on behalf of the Fund, with the object of augmenting the contributions by promoting concerts and other entertainments. Unfortunately, though we very highly appreciate the kindness of these volunteers, and realise that considerable benefit would accrue to the Fund if their services were utilised, we are not in a position to take an active part in the organisation of such entertainments. In the hope that there may be amongst our readers some who are willing to help us in the promotion of entertainments on behalf of the Fund we append a list of ladies and gentlemen who have offered to contribute to the programmes, provided that the use of suitable buildings can be obtained:-


Comedy Concert Company; manager, Mr. Bruce V. L. Wheeler, Park Road, Aston.

(Birmingham Daily Mail, 6th December 1907)

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