Sale of pictures

Sales by Auction.

Pictures of the late Joseph Cocksedge, Esq.

MESSRS. FOSTER and SONS will SELL by AUCTION, at the Gallery, 54, Pall-mall, TO-MORROW (Wednesday), March 25, at One precisely, the PICTURES of the late Joseph Cocksedge, Esq., removed from his residence, Edwardes-square, including several pictures of great merit, and two by Cannaletti. Also a few fine modern works, including Leucother and Ulysses, by H. Howard, R.A.; Pygmalion and the Statue, by F. Howard; the Last Interview of Charles the First with his Family, by O’Neil; Juno and Minerva, by Bielfeld; to which is added a small importation of Pictures by the old masters, just received from the Continent.

May be viewed and catalogues had of Messrs. Foster, 14, Greek-street, and 54, Pall-mall.

(Morning Post, 24th March 1840)

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