Insulting and abusing the Workhouse matron

Context Note: Probably Ann (Leadley) Warrener whose husband died in 1828.


MEETING OF THE POOR LAW GUARDIANS OF THE MALTON UNION. – On Saturday last, the weekly meeting of the Guardians composing the Malton Union, met as usual at the Town Hall, when there was a good attendance, Henry Willoughby, Esq., of Birdsall, the appointed chairman, presiding on the occasion.


A complaint was laid before the Board, against Ann Warrener, of Terrington, now in the Work-house, for insulting and otherwise abusing Mrs Rutter, the matron of the Work-house. The board ordered that she should be brought up before the magistrates on Saturday next, to answer and be adjudged for the same.

(York Herald, 4th August 1838)

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