Estate notice, Thomas Crago, 1880


NOTICE. – PURSUANT to the Act 22nd and 23rd Victoria, Cap. 35, Persons having CLAIMS against the Estate of THOMAS CRAGO, late of Montacute, in the county of Somerset, labourer (who died on the 14th day of January, 1880), are to send particulars in writing of their Claims to the Executor of the deceased at the office of his Solicitors, the undersigned Messrs. NEWMAN, JEANS, & Co., on or before the 9th day of July next. The Executor, after that day, will proceed to apply and distribute the Assets of the deceased, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice.

Dated, this 9th June, 1880.


Solicitors, Yeovil.

(Western Gazette, 11th June 1880)

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