Schoolmaster’s retirement

SCHOOLMASTER’S RETIREMENT. – A large and very sympathetic company gathered at the Bishop’s Cleeve Council School on the occasion of a presentation to the retiring headmaster, Mr. W. H. Cox, after 32 years in that capacity. The presentation was made on behalf of the subscribers by the Rev. N. M. Morgan-Brown, and took the form of a charmingly illuminated address and a handsome wallet. The address had an added charm in being the work of an old scholar (Mr. Harry Goring). At the same time the present scholars and staff presented Mr. and Mrs. Cox with a beautiful Queen Anne silver-plated tea service with tray and toast-rack. Owing to ill-health Mr. Cox was unable to be present, but Mrs. Cox, with much feeling, thanked the subscribers for their extreme kindness. The Rector, managers, and many of the old scholars spoke feelingly of the kindness always shown by Mr. Cox, not only in the school, but in connection with village affairs. In conclusion thanks were given to Mrs. W. Roberts and Mr. W. Shipway for their kind thoughts and personal help in organising the presentation.

(Gloucestershire Echo, 8th August 1924)

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