Not guilty of assault

MONDAY, April 8th.

(Before A. Woodiwiss, W. Hart, G. Frost, and W. Richardson, Esqrs.)

A NEIGHBOUR’S QUARREL. – Frank Allcock, machine hand, 77, Litchurch-street, was summoned for assaulting Jane Bosworth, wife of John [sic] Henry Bosworth, boiler maker, 33, Litchurch-street, on March 30th, and there was a cross summons against Mrs. Bosworth. – Mr. R. Pinder represented Mrs. Bosworth, and Mr. A. J. Cash appeared on behalf of Allcock. – In his opening statements, Mr. Pinder said that on the night in question, whilst Mrs. Bosworth was talking to a neighbour, Allcock went across the road to her little boy, and said something to her. She asked him what was the matter and he commenced using bad language, and threatened to punch the boy. She replied that if there was any punching to be done, he had better punch her, whereupon he struck her a very violent blow on the left eye with his closed fist. – On the other side it was alleged that Allcock saw Bosworth’s boy kicking his son, and cautioned him about his behaviour, but did not strike him. When Mrs. Bosworth asked what the bother was about, he gave her an explanation, but notwithstanding this, she got in a temper, and struck him in the mouth a number of times. He denied having struck Mrs. Bosworth as she had stated. – After hearing the evidence of a number of witnesses on both sides, the Magistrates retired to consider the case in private, after which they decided to fine Allcock 5s. and costs, the case against Bosworth being dismissed.

(Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal, 12th April 1907)

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