Her landlord selling her house


Freehold and Copyhold Cottage Property,

In the Hamlet of Alstone, and Parish and Town of Cheltenham.


Respectfully announces, that he is instructed


At the BELLE VUE HOTEL, Cheltenham, on THURSDAY, the 24th day of OCTOBER, 1850, at One for Two o’clock, peremptorily, under Powers of Sale contained in Indenture of Mortgage, and subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced,

THE following Desirable COTTAGE PROPERTY, offering a favourable opportunity for the investment of small sums.

LOT 1. – All that BRICK-BUILT MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with large Garden and Premises appurtenant thereto, situate at Kingsditch, in the Parish of Cheltenham, and now in the occupation of Hannah Welch, at the rent of £5 per annum.

This Lot is bounded on the South by Land of T. P. W. Butt, Esq., and on the North by Tenement and Land of Mr. William Long, the Tenure being Copyhold of Inheritance of the Manor of Cheltenham.


To view apply to the respective tenants, and for particulars to Messrs. Cox and Hayes, Solicitors, 94, High Street; or to the Auctioneer, the Belle Vue, Cheltenham.

(Cheltenham Chronicle, 17th October 1850)

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