Attempted robbery



TUESDAY. – Before Ald. E. T. Ann (in the chair), Mr. R. Hudson, Mr. W. G. Norman, Mr. A. Ottewell, and Mr. W. Hart.

ATTEMPTED ROBBERY. – Henry Bosworth, aged 11, of 33, Litchurch-street, was charged with attempting to steal 8s. from the till at the Beech Tree public-house, East-street. – It was stated that on Monday morning, about a quarter to twelve, the prisoner went into the bar of the Beech Tree while the landlady was in another room. He stood on a stool, leaned over the counter, and was trying to open the till when the landlady returned. She asked him what he was doing, and he replied, “It is all right, missus. I meant to rob you, but I have not taken anything.” – The case was not pressed, and the lad, having said that he was very sorry and would never do such a thing again, was discharged.

(Derby Daily Telegraph, 24th May 1904)

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