Bankrupt, 1861

WHEREAS a Petition of Joseph Charles Osborne Wallis, known, sued, and trading as Joseph Wallis, now and for three months or thereabouts last past residing in lodgings at No. 7, Britannia-terrace, Thomas-street, Round Hills, Aston, near Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, the last month of this residence being a Commission Agent, other part having a Wharf at Vauxhall Railway Station, Birmingham aforesaid, Coal Dealer, and during other part out of business and employment before then and for about four months residing at No. 1, Villa-terrace, Park-lane, Aston Newtown, in the aforesaid county of Warwick, out of business and employment, previously and for seven months or thereabouts residing at the Golden Lion, Legge-street, Birmingham aforesaid, Retail Brewer, before then and for six months residing in lodgings at No. 129, Ashted-row, Birmingham aforesaid, Coal Dealer, previously and for about nine months in lodgings at Rose-villa, Nechells-green [his father’s house], Aston, near Birmingham aforesaid, out of business and employment, before then of Ambrige, South Africa, Clerk, before then of Rose-villa, Nechells Green aforesaid, in lodgings, Cab and Car Proprietor, an insolvent debtor, having been filed in the County Court of Warwickshire, at Birmingham, and an interim order for protection from process having been given to the said Joseph Charles Osborne Wallis, under the provisions of the Statutes in that case made and provided the said Joseph Charles Osborne Wallis is hereby required to appear before the said Court, on the 22nd day of November instant, at ten of the clock in the forenoon precisely, for his first examination touching his debts, estate and effects, and to be further dealt with according to the provisions of the said Statutes; and the choice of the creditors’ assignees is to take place at the time so appointed. All persons indebted to the said Joseph Charles Osborne Wallis or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to Mr. John Guest, Registrar of the said Court, at Waterloo-street, Birmingham, the Official Assignee of the estate and effects of the said insolvent.

(The London Gazette, 1st November 1861)

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