Dissolution of partnership, 1842

Context Note: It seems most likely that Isaac Lowe, senior [Isaac Lowe (1784-1846)] had reached retirement age and was handing over in favour of his two sons. These were Isaac Lowe (1814-1886) and Edward Lowe (1821-1915).

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Isaac Lowe the elder and Isaac Lowe the younger, as Platers, carrying on business at Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, under the style or firm of “Isaac Lowe and Son,” was this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that the said Trade will in future be carried on by the said Isaac Lowe the younger and Edward Lowe, at No. 71, Sheep-street, Birmingham. All debts due to and owing from the said late partnership will be received and paid by the said Isaac Lowe the younger and Edward Lowe. – Dated the 8th day of October, 1842.



Witness, J. W. KIMBERLEY, Clerk to Mr. A. Harrison, Solicitor, Birmingham.

(Aris’s Birmingham Gazette, 10th October 1842)

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