Large estate of Edward Lowe, 1915

Context Note: This was a phenomenally wealthy estate to leave behind in 1915; the source of the wealth is unclear.

Mr. Edward Lowe, Fair View, 136, College Road, Moseley, formerly of Leamington, who died on May 9th last, has left estate of the gross value of £54,329 11s. 4d., with net personalty £29,471 9s. 3d. Mr. Edward Stinton Lowe, Connaught Street, Hyde Park, W., and Mr. Henry Stinton Lowe, Ty Coes, Anglesey, his sons, are two of the executors. The will is dated September 5th, 1898, wherein testator leaves:- £50 to the Birmingham General Hospital; £50 to the Queen’s Hospital, Birmingham; £2,000 and household and personal effects, and consumable stores, to his wife [Sarah (Passey) Lowe] absolutely. The residue of his property he leaves to his wife for life, with remainder equally to his said two sons.

(Coventry Standard, 30th July 1915)

One thought on “Large estate of Edward Lowe, 1915

  1. I have the original deeds to my house and was going through them last night. The land in Witton, Birmingham was bought from Edward Stinton Lowe “formerly of Ty Coes Anglesey, [currently] Quay House Newquay” in 1906. His occupation was listed as a Gentleman.


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