Obituary of James Hamilton Charlton



A large number of people in Enniskillen and Omagh district will learn with regret of the death of Mr. James H. Charlton, for many years chief clerk in the office of Messrs. Falls & Pringle, solicitors, Enniskillen, which took place late on Saturday night.

For approximately 40 years Mr. Charlton took a very active part, especially in the Revision Court, in looking after Unionist interests in Fermanagh, in which work he was closely associated with the late Sir Charles Falls.

For well over 40 years also he was secretary of the Select Vestry of the parish of Enniskillen, and took a deep and practical interest in all departments of church work.

He was a prominent and respected member of the Orange Order.

About two years ago Mr. Charlton was forced by failing health to retire from active work, and for some time past he was confined to bed.

One of his sons, Captain Charleton, M.C., is senior assistant county surveyor of Co. Fermanagh.

(Belfast Telegraph, 27th December 1937)

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