Ulster Defence Union



The work of the Union is being actively carried on in North Fermanagh. Mr. James H. Charlton, Enniskillen, has been appointed registrar for the parliamentary division. The names of all Unionists enrolled in clubs, associations, and Orange lodges must be sent in to him on or before May next. They will be entered on the register of electors of the Union, and those only whose names appear upon that register will be entitled to vote in the election of the six hundred which will be Ulster’s future Parliament. At a meeting held in Brookhill on 30th instant the following resolution was passed, on the motion of Mr. Samuel Rowe, seconded by Mr. John Quinn:- “That this meeting of Unionists of Brookhill Electoral Division approve of the manifesto of the Ulster Defence Union, and we hereby pledge ourselves to use our best efforts to carry out the plan of organisation so set forth.”

(Belfast News-Letter, 3rd April 1893)

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